Sunday, June 26, 2011

Don't Miss Your Party

Lately I've been going through Beth Moore's David study. It's grrrrreat! A few days ago I read a story in I Samuel (10:17-27) that I've never heard before...or at least don't remember. It caused me to laugh out loud! So, I must share. The basic premise is that Samuel had just anointed Saul as king after the Israelites demanded to have an earthly authority rather than just depending on God. So Samuel gathered everyone up, reminded them of all the wonderful things God had done for them, and then there was apparently supposed to be this climactic moment where the newly crowned king gallantly strides on to center stage to do the royal wave and display his kingliness while the crowd goes wild (at least that's how I imagine it). But instead the people said, "Is there a man still to come?" Saul didn't show up at his own party! God knew exactly where Saul was, and he told the people. "Behold, he has hidden himself among the baggage." And so, the people ran and grabbed Saul from his hiding place and drug him up in front of everyone. He was head and shoulders taller than everyone else! Samuel turned to the Israelites and said, "Do you see him whom the Lord has chosen? There is none like him among all the people." Interesting choice of words for one who was just drug out of hiding by his own kingdom. Most people were still excited to have a king and treated Saul with all the respect, fanfare, and gifts that a new king would deserve. But a few men despised Saul to his face and did not honor him with gifts. And Saul kept his mouth shut.

Saul was hand picked by God and had size, looks, an adoring and excited kingdom, and an anointing from Samuel and yet he lacked one thing...confidence. And that one thing nearly cost him his self-respect right from the beginning. I laughed when I read this story because it sounded so ridiculous! A king is supposed to be a courageous, brave, gallant leader. Not hiding with the suitcases! But then I realized how often I let my lack of confidence and my fears get in the way of what God is trying to do with me. And every time I feel exactly like Saul - ridiculous, ashamed, withdrawn.

Beth Moore called Saul a people pleaser. She stated that "self-consciousness constitutes the opposite of God-consciousness. Rather than gratefully rejoicing in the privilege God was freely extending to him, Saul's concern ran to himself and what others think of him." Saul was operating completely out of the flesh. Throughout his reign, you can see glimpses of hope, but mostly his life reflects a lack of confidence and a desire to please man.

When feeling the pull to please man, ask yourself these questions: Am I trying to please man or God? Am I filled with worry and doubt, or with peace? Living a life filled with eye service for the sake of pleasing man will only bring about worry and doubt. God desires obedience with a sincere heart out of respect and reverence for Him (Colossians 3:22).
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Only One

Being treated as the only one and thinking you are the only one are two completely different things! Today is my birthday, so yesterday, my wonderful hubs made me dinner (delicious), bought me an Iphone (yes!), said sweet things to me (love that), secretly brought home my all time favorite ice cream (he knows the way to my heart), and gave me the loveliest card. And he even watched Father of the Bride with me (I know...he's a keeper)! I felt so loved and honored and valued. Thank you so much, Dave! I love you. :)

As I mentioned above, today, June 14th (Flag Day) is my actual birthday. What better way to spend it then at school?? Yes, that is where I have been for the past 6 hours. I'm taking two classes right now. In both classes there is a girl who, as far as I can tell, thinks she is the only one in the whole class! When the professors ask a question (rhetorical or not) she will answer out loud. When the professors pause in the middle of a sentence, she will finish the sentence. When the professors make a point she will give a verbal "Right!" or "Hmmhmm!" or "Exactly!" In an effort to fight my welling annoyance, I tried to find the positive things about her. She has an obvious love for learning, she is interactive, she is a leader, she is paying attention, she is affirming. Then I asked her to do a group project with me. Maybe I'll get to know her more and hopefully gain another perspective of her other than she thinks she's the only one!

So, the moral of these is much more rewarding to be treated as the only one than to think you are the only one.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome to the Blogging World!

For some time I have been thinking of starting a know, in all my spare time. Ha! But I'm thinking that now is as good a time as any. In the last 10 months since I've been married, there have been lots of times where I've thought, "Oh, if I had a blog, I would write about this." For instance, this last week I have had lots of time to just sit and think and appreciate the little things around me. Like a robin chirping and hopping around my backyard. Or an old cowboy walking down a street in our neighborhood playing a banjo. Or a wonderful morning spent with a very dear friend. All of those moments have caused me to stop and thank the Lord for the life he has given me and the various ways that I can enjoy this life. After all, it is the only one I get on earth and I'd rather enjoy the little moments of life then spend every day focused on getting things accomplished, making plans, and working towards my ultimate success. So, the purpose of this blog is to help me do just that...enjoy this gift of life and learn to live it in the abundance of Christ!